Expressive 3D Forms.


What occurs behind the closed doors of an institutionalized government edifice is the great unknown to the American people, but in more recent  times there have been more information and media being leaked to be seen by the eyes of many. Thank you technology. We are now able to see confidential military missions and government objectives in all their unjust glory.

The form above is a representation of the act of such files being leaked to the mass population from those of higher power. The shapes on the upper half were crafted to resemble a pentagon as a literal message refereing to the United States Pentagon. The pentagons are pieced together to appear to be a sort of dying flower in geometric form raised above metal pins as a representation of inferior society that catch the hanging shapes (hidden files) as they fall and are penetrated and truthfully revealed behind what is being carried out by such authoritative powers.  The center pentagon on the top center is an the source from where these dying leaflets may then fall to be discovered down below.


This form spoke to me as an expression of actions towards reaching a goal on any level whether it be individual or global.  Of course, whenever a goal is set to be achieved there will in most cases be some sort of barrier or obstacle hindering one from grasping what is to be obtained from the situation.  These barriers were expressed through the use of the black triangles in front of what appears to resemble an almost mountain like structure behind.  This was construction to express the idea of determination by overcoming miniscule obstacles to reach greater peaks of ultimate desire.


Usually something that is voyeuristic occurs while one is alone seeking some type of sexually satisfying thing or instance usually through some outlet of media being transmitted onto an electronic screen.  This was the type of environment that I wanted to create as you can see the two objects standing resemble a sitting place with a monitor at the end of a long strip of narrow wood.   The idea behind the placement was intended to express the idea of an almost tunnel vision type of scenario where nothing else around  matters except what is being emitted onto a screen for individual satisfaction.


A monument is normally something that is set to recognize someone or something of great importance and achievement worthy of being remembered.  This miniature was created to signify neither of those, but rather to question the structure and architecture of the monuments that an average person may see in the world around us.  It is to stand as a sort of experiment towards something that could be considered in the future as a landmark constructed for no reason other than visual pleasure. The shape that you see here was done by cutting out two coffin shapes from a long narrow strip of wood and using the negative space in between as the piece itself.

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