“Warm Sound”



This piece was constructed to serve as a singular representation of authentic experience.  The specific memory of my great-grandparents is rather involuntary.  I can remember holiday season being the definitive time of year where gifts were being exchanged by many.  This element of family activity was incorporated in the shape of a hand-folded, paper flower to emphasize the beauty of giving.  Beneath, you can see a metal figure that resembles a phonograph.  It gives significance to not only an obsolete item, but also to the sense of consciously hearing someone’s voice in accordance to an individuals personality.

The qualities of a person’s human nature is what seems to lead us to think, feel, and remember someone in some relative sense. The piece of wood at the bottom was used in order to have some organic and natural quality representing the genuine relationships between diverse generations of people. It was also something that stood as a memory of seeing the wooden interior of my great-grandparents home after they had passed.

Altogether, the form endeavors a natural vestige commemorating rich, warm qualities of others in relation to the human senses.

One thought on “MEMENTO.

  1. Beautiful…images and words. Your memory and reflection are amazing. You have always been an old soul in a young body.

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