Sound Confession

Death by Misadventure

“Let’s face it, the future as a Rolling Stone is very uncertain. My ultimate aim in life was never to be a pop star. I enjoy it with reservation, but I’m not really sort of satisfied either artistically or personally..” -Brian Jones. 1965.


Such a statement might give one a sense of the deeply misunderstood personality within the mind of early Rolling Stones guitarist, Brian Jones. Fellow band member and bassist Bill Wyman stated, “…he formed the band. He chose the members. He named the band. He chose the music we played. He got us gigs … Very influential, very important, and then slowly lost it – highly intelligent – and just kind of wasted it and blew it all away.”

Notes on Jones

The piece deals with the caged mind of Jones in his downfall of addictive madness and inner turmoil. Primary focus was given to the center of the form as something “pure” to be represented by a spherical magnification device where underneath it reads, “Death By Misadventure,” by which Jones was pronounced after found at the bottom of his swimming pool at his countryside mansion.  Around the center, you can see the use of thin, coiled string which gives meaning to the mental battles and uncertainty of his everyday life.  It is enclosed by half of a tinted, plastic orb to emphasize the challenge others faced trying aid in breaking his habits. He was truly a misunderstood human whose death was a tragedy upon many lives.  The form as a whole stands as an alien-like craft to commemorate Jones as a lost soul who remained an outsider no matter how close he had come.

Above is the pronounced statement describing the death of Jones and the personal confession itself. I recorded the one titled Death by Misadventure  with a piano piece and my own voice to stand as a sort of reflective announcement. The one below titled, Brian Jones :: 1965, is an actual recording of Jones himself making his honest confession.

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